Swap a visit to the salon or barbers and go bald for breast cancer prevention

You can do something amazing today to help prevent breast cancer.  Go Bald For Breast Cancer and raise vital funds for breast cancer research.

In a few simple steps, you can Go Bald for Breast Cancer:

  1. Set up your Go Bald for Breast Cancer fundraising page
  2. Pick a date for your head shave
  3. Ask family, friends, and colleagues to sponsor you
  4. Go Bald for Breast Cancer!

We’re here to support you. Once you set up your page, we will send you:

  • A Breast Cancer UK T-shirt to wear on the day of your head shave (please contact [email protected] with your size and address details)
  • Our Fundraising Tips to get your fundraising off to a flying start
  • Don’t forget to share the date of your head shave, as well as before and after photos with us. We can then share your head shave on our channels and help boost your fundraising even higher.

So what’s stopping you? Sign up today to Go Bald for Breast Cancer

Set up your JustGiving page

Still not sure? Check out Richard’s story for some inspiration.

Having a full head of hair, 53-year-old Richard was used to visiting his barber regularly to keep the mane tame. But managing his hair in lockdown had become a pain.  That was until he noticed that guys on social media were doing headshaves for charities.  “Wouldn’t it be cool to do a total head shave for an important cause?” he thought.

That’s when Richard decided to Go bald for Breast Cancer UK in memory of his dear auntie June who passed away aged just 55 from breast cancer. Going totally bald was a big deal for Richard who’s always been proud of his full head of hair.  But the memory of his beloved auntie June who would have celebrated her 89th birthday this year, definitely made it worthwhile. What Richard didn’t realise was just how important this decision would turn out to be. Richard’s head shave and the handsome new look have now raised over £790 for Breast Cancer UK.

Thank you, Richard, and everyone else who has joined him in Going Bald for Breast Cancer over the last year, from all of us here at Breast Cancer UK.  The money you have raised will help keep our vital breast cancer research and awareness work going.

Need some more inspiration? Watch and read Taneisha’s story!

Taneisha cut all her hair long hair off in September 2021, to remember the anniversary of her mum, Muriel Fowler, who lost her battle to breast cancer at the age of 44 in 2013.

She has donated her hair to the charity The Little Princess, which specialises in making handmade wigs for children going through cancer treatment and other hair-loss conditions such as Alopecia. See the video of her amazing transformation below!

Taneisha’s new look has now raised over £2000 for Breast Cancer UK.

Thank you, Taneisha, from all of us here at Breast Cancer UK.  The money you have raised will help keep our vital breast cancer research and awareness work going.


Ready to shave? sign up today

Chip in to help prevent breast cancer in future generations

Now more than ever, we need your help. Together we can help lower people’s risk of developing breast cancer. If you’ve found the information on our website helpful, then please consider making a donation today. Thank you.